16th-18th Sept
Friday 9
Today the “Journées européennes du Patrimoine” start, and for three days you can visit for free a lot of Lyon monuments and place usually not accessible to the public. Some events need to be booked. Check the program at this link: https://www.lyon.fr/evenement/festival/journees-europeennes-du-patrimoine
From 10 a.m.
In all the city of Lyon
Saturday 17
Oktober fest in Lyon, why not?
Enjoy some fun with the german atmosphere in a famous Lyon bar. “Oktoberfest au tank ” is here for make you travel in the famous German party.
From 5 pm to 1 am.
Tank, 45 Rue de Gerland, 69007
Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/858665348461543
Maison Bleu Happy Birthday!
An other well knowed bar in Lyon, “Maison Bleu” will make a big party for his 3 years from the opening day!
From 4 pm to 12 pm.
La Maison Bleue. 24 rue Croix-Barret 69007
Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1065224444177517
Sunday 18
Come to dance under the kraken!
During “Dedalerie de folie sous le Kraken (@les subs)” you cna enjoy a free nice open air djset.
From 11,30 am to 5 pm.
Les SUBS, 8 bis Quai Saint-Vincent, 69001 Lyon
You can find all the Lyon secrets here
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