What to do in Lyon this week? (24th – 30th June)

Monday 24th 👉 MOVIE DEBATE “The Father”, a movie about Alzheimer, screening. Followed by a debate and a buffet. ⏰ 7 – 10 PM 📍Les Petits Cantines Vieux Lyon, 11 rue Saint Georges. 💸 Price up to you (booking suggested) 🔗 https://www.facebook.com/events/488699443682710/ https://vieuxlyon.lespetitescantines.org/prochains-evenements Tuesday 25th May 👉 GUILLOTIÈRE PARTY 2 times a […]
What to do in Lyon this week (17th – 23th June)

Monday 17th 👉 COLLECTIVE LISTENING Sound creation produced by the Mayday radio team, based on the book “Barge” by Héloise K, followed by a sharing session. ⏰ 6 PM 📍Le Périscope – 13 rue Delandine, 69002 💸 Free (booking suggested) 🔗 https://www.facebook.com/events/456672270195639/ https://billetterie.periscope-lyon.com/agenda/862-barge?session=862 👉 EURO 2024 France vs Austria on the big screen. […]
What to do in Lyon this week? (27th May – 2nd June)

Monday 27th May 👉 BEER OFFER Buy 2 “brasserie Au Baron” bottles and get 3! ⏰ 4 – 11 PM 📍La Plante du Loup, 67 rue de Marseille Lyon 7 💸 Special price (3 x 2) 🔗 https://www.facebook.com/events/3714627495521815/ https://eshop.laplanteduloup.fr/ Tuesday 28th May 👉 TABLETOP GAME NIGHT A night for games lovers in a […]
What to do in Lyon this week? (20th- 26th May)

Monday 20th May 👉 RELAX A day to relax, sometimes we need it 🙂 Tuesday 21th May 👉 INTERNATIONAL BOOK FESTIVAL Performances, lectures and much more. ⏰ 21-27 May 📍Different places in town 💸 Free 🔗 https://www.facebook.com/events/430534652864653/ https://villagillet.mapado.com/en Wednesday 22th May 👉 MAKE YOUR PODCAST Learn how to make your […]
What to do in Lyon this week? (13th-19th May)

Monday 13th May 👉 INDIE-ROCK CONCERT William The Conqueror concert. ⏰ 8-10 PM 📍LA MARQUISE, 20 Quai Victor Augagneur, 69003 💸 14 euro 🔗 https://www.facebook.com/events/355599377364566/ https://shorturl.at/EIJL9 Tuesday 14th May 👉 BINGO Super bingo by Mademoiselle Charby. ⏰ 8,30 PM – 1 AM 📍Livestation DIY Lyon – 14 rue Bonald 69007 💸 Free […]
What to do this week in Lyon (6th – 12th May)

Monday 6th May 👉 VIDEO CLUB “Licorice Pizza” by Paul Thomas Anderson screening. ⏰ 8-11 PM 📍SLO 21 rue Alsace Lorraine 69001 💸 Free 🔗 https://www.facebook.com/events/1282738679075732/ https://slohostels.com/en/lyon-les-pentes/ Tuesday 7th May 👉 NUITS SONORES From today until Saturday one of the most famous electro music festivals in France. ⏰ 10 AM – 10 […]
What to do in Lyon this week? (29th April – 5th May)

Monday 29th April 👉 SALSA NIGHT Time to dance and learn some salsa! ⏰ 7 PM 📍Ninkasi Cordeliers, 1B Rue Président Carnot, 69002 💸 Free 🔗 https://www.facebook.com/events/396950022943373/ https://www.ninkasi.fr/agenda/dimanches-latino-%c2%b7-cours-de-salsa-34/ 👉 MAKE YOUR COMICS A workshop in English by Maïa Neel. ⏰ 7,30 -10 PM 📍SLO 21 rue Alsace Lorraine 69001 💸 Price up to […]
What to do in Lyon this week? (22th -28th April)

Monday 22th April 👉 MOVIE NIGHT “Rollerball”, the famous science-fi movie by Jewison. ⏰ 8,30 PM 📍Aquarium, Ciné-Café10 Rue Dumont, 69004 💸 7 euro 🔗 https://www.facebook.com/events/2102327590132687/ https://aquarium-cine-cafe.fr/reservation/ 👉 MUSIC EXPERIENCE Evicshen, experimental music performer from San Francisco, concert. ⏰ 8 PM 📍Sonic Lyon, 4 Quai des Étroits, 69005 💸 9 euro 🔗 https://www.facebook.com/events/4395069210718772/ […]
Lyon’s Secret Parks Guide: Parc de la Tête d’Or edition

Reading time: The sun finally begins to peek out from behind the clouds, and the winter cold starts to become a distant memory. This mainly means one thing in Lyon: Sunday at the park! In fact, most activities are closed on Sundays, and much of the local population flocks to the parks or green areas […]
What to do in Lyon this week? 15th – 21st April

Monday 15th April 👉 CIRCUS SHOW A 2h show with acrobats and much more. ⏰ 2,30 PM 📍Cirque Imagine, 5 Av. des Canuts, 69120 Vaulx-en-Velin 💸 From 15 euro 🔗 https://cirqueimagine.com/spectacles-famille/sacre-cirque/ Tuesday 16th April 👉 PLANT A TREE Help a local association to plant trees on the border of the Saône river. ⏰ […]