🇫🇷 What to do in Lyon this week (1st-3th Nov)? 🇫🇷

1st- 3th Nov Tuesday 1st 👉 Chill and tabletop game.Relax with an happy hour and some tabletop game with your friends. From 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Happy hour From 8,30 p.m. to 1 a.m. : tabletop games. Livestation DIY Lyon – 14 rue Bonald 69007Link: www.livestationdiy.com👉 Erasmus happy hourIf you want to know new people, […]
🇫🇷 What to do in Lyon this week (26-29 Sept)? 🇫🇷

24th- 27th Oct Monday 24th 👉 Frog Leap at Transbordeur A chance to see the project of the Norwegian multi-instrumentalist Leo Moracchioli. Featured image: Frog Leap copyright. ⏰ From 7,30 p.m. 📍Transbordeur, 3 boulevard de la bataille de Stalingrad, 69100 Villeurbanne, Francia. Link: http://www.lesdernierscouches.com/frog-leap/ Thusday 25th 👉 Engage as a student in Volunteer programs. In […]
🇫🇷 What to do in Lyon this week (14th-16th Oct)? 🇫🇷

14th- 16th Oct Friday 14th Happy hour for steampunk lover. Find other steampunk passionate like you! From 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. L’alchimiste, 2 rue Saint Georges, 69005 Lyon, France Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/5512941978765358 A 0 waste food reference Inauguration of MESA (Maison Engagée & Solidaire de l’Alimentation), a center for fight against food waste with animation […]
🇫🇷 What to do in Lyon this week (10th-13th Oct)? 🇫🇷

10th- 13th Oct Monday 10th Salsa at NinkasiA salsa meeting with deejay, free. From 8,30 p.m. to 1a.m. Ninkasi 267 rue Marcel Mérieux, 69007 LioneLink: https://www.ninkasi.fr/agenda/lundi-de-la-salsa-139/ Thusday 11th Designer happy hourIf you are a designer and you want to networking or know new people with your same interest, that’s the right place. From 7,30 p.m. […]
🇫🇷 What to do in Lyon this week (7th-9th Oct)? 🇫🇷

7th- 9th Oct Friday 7th A Lindy Hop concertThe pianist Gordon Webster, one of the most sought after musicians in the Lindy hop world is in concert in Lyon. For a retro dancing night. From 8 p.m. to 1a.m. Salle de ficelle 65 Bd des Canuts, 69004 LyonLink: https://www.billetweb.fr/gordon-webster-a-lyon?fbclid=IwAR03jB9mIG-CKQYOSD4yCTo9402XQKY7TZD52GzQzMPvWBY-UtBZEOKaw6I Saturday 8th A Roman Festival in […]
🇫🇷 What to do in Lyon this week (3th-6th Oct)? 🇫🇷

3th- 6th Oct Monday 3th 👉 A chess tournament A free chess tournament in front of a good beer? Why not! ⏰ From 7 p.m. to 10h30 p.m. 📍 MROC Part-Dieu, 86 Rue du Pensionnat, Lione Link: https://fb.me/e/2iegGAV2W Thusday 4th 👉 An Italian free movie Cinémardi by Italian Cultural Insittute. “TRE PIANI” by Nanni Moretti (2021, 120′, VO ITA […]
🇫🇷 What to do in Lyon this weekend (30 Sept – 2 Oct)? 🇫🇷

30th Sept -2 Oct Friday 30th 👉 A huge geek festival A great geek festival for a little price (1h 3 euro, 1 day 10 euro online) where you can stay until late. 10000 m2 with 80 sellers. ⏰ From 2 p.m. until sunday at 7 p.m. no stop (it doesn’t close the night!). […]
🇫🇷 What to do in Lyon this week (26-29 Sept)? 🇫🇷

26th- 29th Sept Monday 26th 👉 A Role Player Game night If you are a Stranger Things fan, you can’t miss this geek meeting with an introduction to RPG like the one played in the famous Netflix production. ⏰ From 7,45 p.m. 📍 Trollune, 25 rue Sébastien Gryphe, 69007 Link: https://facebook.com/events/s/lundi-decouverte-jeux-de-role-/5397948476920649/ Thusday 27th 👉 A […]
🇫🇷 What to do in Lyon this weekend (23-25 Sept)? 🇫🇷

23th-25th Sept Friday 23th Giant steampunk parade By Royal de Luxe a dog race with giant animals aninated by many humans that will make you feel like a Lilliput inhabitant. “Le Bull Machin de Villeurbanne” From 10h to 12h30 and from 14h45 to 17h30. Start from the Villeurbanne mairie (Henri-Barbusse side)Link to the parade itinerary: https://villeurbanne2022.fr/les-parcours-des-geants/ Saturday […]
🇫🇷 What to do in Lyon this week (19-22 Sept)? 🇫🇷

19th- 22th Sept Monday 19th New hobbies and sports Is a good time to planning your autumn extra activities. The Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture in Vieux Lyon (the old town) as many others MJC are now opening the inscriptions for the many free time activities as a very interesting prices. Hurry up, […]